Saturday, March 20, 2010

I can't cut it with a spoon.....

I took my son out to eat tonight kind of as a celebratory dinner. He got his first job since being in college. He will be designing a website for a book company. So we went to eat Chinese. I love how everything is basically in two-bite size. Even though crab rangoons can be eaten in two bites, I prefer to take one massive bite! They're my favorites! I was really shocked to see a piece of meat.... a steak, laying out in the open air on a little wooden cutting board with ONE steak knife lying next to it. I wasn't going to eat the steak, I was just looking at how dried out and lifeless it was. I wondered how many people had breathed on it, since it wasn't under the glass hood. It was just all alone.... on the piece of wood. Then it dawned on me.... there are no steak knifes...... how would one eat this "steak" even if they dared? So, just out of curiosity, I asked our waitress, who, for the first time in years, brought us our UNsweet tea! (We usually have to send it back at least once because they always bring us sweet tea. Nothing worse than taking a big gulp of tea, only to realize when it's halfway down your throat that it's loaded with sugar!!! Nasty!!) Anyway, her response to me was, "aww- u cut wit'spoon!" .....Interesting.......

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