Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cyber cheating? Is there such a thing?

I personally believe that when a man/woman flirts, has virtual sex, sends messages back and forth with a person of the opposite sex who is NOT their significant other, this is cheating. Don't you agree? If they are not happy in their relationships', then why not tell their significant other, rather than go and get "what they aren't getting at home" from a cyber relationship. To me, this is no different than going to a bar and picking up the first person that will show any attention. This is just wrong on many levels, but most of all, it's just morally wrong. When you are with someone, either married, long term relationship, whatever, this behavior is wrong. You have now put doubt in the other's head. "Can I trust him/her?", "is he/she cheating with an actual person?". Now, how can you expect this person to ever be able to look at you the same without thinking that you are thinking about someone else. If you are that unhappy with your current marital status, then either work on it with your spouse or move on the the one that's getting your undivided attention. Most of the time, the only one who knows that you are unhappy is you. If you are not open with your spouse, then, you are just hiding something. If it bothered you that much that you just had to go elsewhere for the attention, you are just an attention whore or you just have no morals. You pick.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wooooo hooooooo ! It's Monday

I'm taking a different approach to the beginning of the work week. It's usually, "blah, blah, it's Monday......" but not anymore! I'm going to try reverse psychology on myself. Just think, I'm 1/4 of the way through my work week now!! Yes! Awesome! Oh what a great day!! Let's see if that helps!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Miley..... an adult????

Ok, I'm getting really tired of seeing Miley Cyrus on my magazines. She is what? 16? So, put her on the cover of Teen Vogue, not Cosmo, Elle or any of the other "adult" magazines I pay $5.00 for. I don't want to read about her voyage into womanhood. I've been there.... I want to read about the other women who are there, who've been there. I have a son not much older than her. I read "my" magazines for adult issues, not one's I deal with everday. They are my "girly time". Please, stop putting her in the adult magazines. Let her grow up like a normal "child". She will be an adult soon enough....... and we wonder what makes these kids want to grow up so fast.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Funny People"........not so funny.

I just went to see the movie "Funny People" with my husband. Of course, Adam Sandler was great and so was Seth Rogen. The problem was that the movie had some really funny parts, but they were too spread out. The movie just kind of dragged on, and when you thought you were going to drift off to sleep, a funny part came on, and then it got your attention again. The storyline was good, but, it could have been done in less than two and a half hours. I would suggest you wait for it to come out on dvd rather than spending the money at the theater. I did see a great preview tough and can't wait for it to come out. It's called "Extract", starring Jason Bateman and it has Ben Affleck in it as well. It comes out on Labor Day. That appears to be quite funny, also. Can't wait! first move review!