Monday, April 26, 2010

Restore Stephen Baldwin? I don't think so.

I honestly thought this was a joke until I went to the website. Are you kidding me? This has really infuriated the crap out of me! Basically what this website is stating is, since he became a born again Christian, he used his name, basically, to preach the gospel and he lost jobs because of this. Not only that, he filed bankruptcy. Well, poor baby. There are many people in this world who become born again and give everything they can to preach the gospel. But, I have never seen one start a website to "help restore" them. GO GET A JOB!!!! It disgusts me! Basically, he gave his money to the church, community, etc.... and now, he wants to be paid back. To compare him to Job??? Really? What are they thinking? How about Stephen go and get a job? Do what the rest of the Christians do..... work for your money. Giving to the churches and communities was very noble of you. But asking for peole to give it back???? Not so much!! Get real!!!
This website is saying that Stephens spiritual advisor gave the ok for this website. Stephen was not directly involved in this. Hmmmmmm? Well, he could have said no. It also says that Stephens family will not help him financially because basically, they think he's made bad choices. Ya think?
If I had any extra money, which I don't, but if I did, I would send it to St. Jude's! This is a hospital for children that doesn't turn anyone away if they are not able to pay. THAT is a worthy cause! Making a Hollywood has-been rich again? Not a chance! Get a JOB!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

And the Dove Award goes to.........

I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to my friend, Greg Cole, who, with Jeff and Sheri Easter, won a Dove award for southern gospel song of the year for the song Born To Climb. Greg produced on the song. The song is currently #1 on the southern gospel chart (Singing News).

Greg is a record producer and mix engineer. Some records he has produced and mixed are: Daryle Singletary--That's Why I Sing This Way (with George Jones, Dwight Yoakam, Johnny Paycheck, Rhonda Vincent, Darrin Vincent, Merle Haggard, John Wesley Ryles);Jeff & Sheri Easter--Life Is Great (with Vince Gill); Jeff & Sheri Easter--Expecting Good Things (with Marty Stuart, Connie Smith), and many others.

Greg is an exceptional drummer and has been known to get up and play the steel guitar and bass. Pretty talented guy!

So, just wanted to say, "CONGRATS COLE!" And to Jeff and Sheri, too!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Date Night

Last night was date night. My husband and I went to dinner and then to a movie.  The night was funny, disgusting and suspenseful. Read on....
So, we decided to go to Chili's since it was near the theater.  We walked by the outdoor seating and there were only two couples out there. We decided since it was nice out, we'd like to sit out there, too.  "It's a fifteen to twenty minute wait" barked the hostess when we inquired about the the outdoor seating.  Wait? But there's only two couples out there.  "We don't have enough servers!"  Ok, this is my problem? Let me go out there and sit with a drink until she can get to us. Nope, here's a beeper. " You can sit at the bar until this goes off." So, we went to the bar.  I ordered a mango margarita. "We don't have any clean glasses," the bartender said as he was mixing a margarita for another customer. OOOOOOOOOk! Two minutes into our wait, the beeper went off.  We followed the hostess outside where I reminded her I had ordered a frozen margarita at the bar and would like it as soon as they can find a clean glass. ?.  "Sure".......   As we're sitting outside, enjoying the weather, my husband enjoying his beer from a bottle, there was this couple sitting next to us.  Yes, it was two women, which does not bother me at all.  What bothered me was one of the women was massaging the others shoulders, back and ass. And the ass was pointed in my direction.  I could have changed seats but the sun would have blinded me. Which, now that I think about it, how much worse could it really have been? Off to my other side, there was another couple.  Two men. They weren't doing the body massages at the table, but, I'm no fool.  Most people eat with their hands on the table.  At least one hand. My frozen margarita finally arrived. It was no longer frozen. Our waitress said, "here's your drink. It was sitting at the bar!"  Not only was it NOT frozen, it was dripping all down the side of the NON-chilled mug! So, we eat, drink and leave. Never going there again.
We get to the theater.  Yes, I just ate dinner but popcorn and cokes are a staple at the movies. So I spent the $21.00 for some popcorn and drinks...... ok, and chocolate.  There, you caught me. Sweet and salty, another staple.  Anyways, we get our seats, chow down on popcorn and start watching the previews when the screen goes black. Nothing.  No picture, no sound, no lights. Finally, the previews come back on and the movies starts.  Jeesh.
I will say, the movie totally made up for the previously bad experiences.  Tina Fey is hilarious and so is Steve Carrel. I could actually envision me and my husband doing this! I was pleasantly surprised with their chemistry  and was EXTREMELY thrilled that Mark Whalberg was in this movie.  Without a shirt!
Anyways, that was our date night. Just thought I'd share.  I give "Date Night," 4 beers (that's my rating scale) on a scale of 1-6pack.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reality TV: Really? Are you kidding me?

I'm not proud of myself for doing this, but, I spent just about an entire day today, laying in bed watching reality tv.  Even though it was sunny and beautiful out, I couldn't seem to tear myself away from this.....CRAP!! First, I watched episode one to the finale of, "Seducing Cindy."  Cindy Margolis, (I didn't know who she was either... I had to google her) is apparently know for being in Playboy, her short career on The Price is Right as a Barker's Beauty, and as being the most downloaded person on the internet in 1999.  She is very attractive and seems like a genuinely nice woman.  I'm just concerned about "suitors" they brought in for her to choose from.  They ranged from unemployed,  models, personal trainers to some crazy ass dude that I have no clue where he was from. It kind of made the show predictable down to the last three or four guys. I will say, she did choose the hottest guy there.  He was hot, romantic, sweet.......24 years old.  Did I mention that Cindy is 44 years old? I'm sorry, that's just odd.  But, he was hot, (he posed in Playgirl, so at least that have something in common) and he did seem like a really nice young man.
Next, and still, I'm watching "Househusbands of Hollywood." Are you kidding me? First, I only recognize Tempest Bledsoe (The Cosby Show) and her husband Darryl, and Jillian BarberieI have no clue who the rest of the cast is. I've watched about 5 episodes of this today.  All I have to say is, these men are P----whipped!!! Or big ass mooches!!! Danny, a wanna-be actor, is seriously whooped.  But, since he won't go get a real job until an acting job comes up, well, he deserves what he gets. Grant Reynolds, Jillian's husband, well, he tries to keep a normal life but apparently Jillian's spending habits and bad attitude towards him have made him bitter.  Can't say as I blame him, but, he too is whooped. Then there is Billy Ashley. He was a former L.A. Dogers and Boston Red Sox player.  He is the stay at home dad.  He does everything. Gets his two kids up for school, makes breakfast, takes the kids to school, cleans the house, picks up all the dog shit from the two dogs that nobody else seems to care for, helps his wife with her business AND tries to set up "date nights" for him and his wife. Now, he's a man. He doesn't take crap from the wife. Finaly, there's Charlie.  Not sure who he is. He apparently was in jail for 8 years for burglary and now he's cleaned up his life, lives in Brentwood, CA with his wife who I believe is a psychiatrist and their baby.  He's very good friends with Ryan O'Neil. Other than that, don't know much about him. He seems to walk around a lot showing off his baby and constantly talking about his troubled youth.  (Move on Charlie!) Honestly, this show is strange. Who cares to see grown men picking up dog shit and getting chewed out by his wife for not inspecting her wedding gown after it came back from the cleaners? BORING!!!  Or is it? What makes me keep watching this crap? This is only reality tv if you are rich and live in a big fat house. Come do a reality show at my house.  This is REALITY for most Americans! Not rich, not a big fat house.... actual problems (money, job, marriage, etc.... )!!
Gotta go, Project Runway is on!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Excuse me but, my cheese is molding!!!

Ok, it's Easter Sunday and I had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Five to be exact. Everybody and their brother apparently had to pick some things up. Well, the checkout lines (which there were only three open) were stretching down the aisles of the store and the self checkouts were also lined up all the way to the back of the store.  So, I sucked it up and got it one of these long ass lines.  THEN, this couple, slid in front of me and acted like they were there before me.  They knew they cut the line...... they wouldn't even have any eye contact with me! I was even making smart ass remarks about people who cut in front of others. Nothing.  They  were totally  ignoring me! They had an entire cart FULL of crap!!! Do you think they would say, "hey, you may as well go ahead of us since you only have five things!" Nooooooooooooooooooo!! They kept their backs toward me and unloaded their 10 loaves of bread, a hundred rolls of ass paper and other miscellaneous junk. I mean, for shit's sake, it's Easter!! Be nice!!! I hope all their bread bags had holes in them and their bread turns green and they get violently ill from eating it!!! Karma is funny like that ya know?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Me, the beach and an Airstream= A good read!

I have come up with a great idea for a story. It involves me, an Airstream travel trailer (the silver tube looking camper) and three months of traveling to beaches along the southeast. I know, it sounds like a vacation, but it could be a win, win situation for me, Airstream and whoever would like to have rolling advertisement for their product. I'm thinking about writing a book of short stories, but the short stories will all be stories from people I meet on the beaches. I've always heard the sea heals broken hearts.... so I want to find these people and write their stories. Plus, I would be at the beach, which is my favorite place on earth!! See, it's a win, win situation. This book could turn out to be the best "summer read" EVER!!  Now, if I could just find a publisher, someone to "lend" me an
Airstream Classic Limited travel trailer and some donations, I'd be all set!!!  Ideas anyone? Lemme' know....