Saturday, April 17, 2010

Date Night

Last night was date night. My husband and I went to dinner and then to a movie.  The night was funny, disgusting and suspenseful. Read on....
So, we decided to go to Chili's since it was near the theater.  We walked by the outdoor seating and there were only two couples out there. We decided since it was nice out, we'd like to sit out there, too.  "It's a fifteen to twenty minute wait" barked the hostess when we inquired about the the outdoor seating.  Wait? But there's only two couples out there.  "We don't have enough servers!"  Ok, this is my problem? Let me go out there and sit with a drink until she can get to us. Nope, here's a beeper. " You can sit at the bar until this goes off." So, we went to the bar.  I ordered a mango margarita. "We don't have any clean glasses," the bartender said as he was mixing a margarita for another customer. OOOOOOOOOk! Two minutes into our wait, the beeper went off.  We followed the hostess outside where I reminded her I had ordered a frozen margarita at the bar and would like it as soon as they can find a clean glass. ?.  "Sure".......   As we're sitting outside, enjoying the weather, my husband enjoying his beer from a bottle, there was this couple sitting next to us.  Yes, it was two women, which does not bother me at all.  What bothered me was one of the women was massaging the others shoulders, back and ass. And the ass was pointed in my direction.  I could have changed seats but the sun would have blinded me. Which, now that I think about it, how much worse could it really have been? Off to my other side, there was another couple.  Two men. They weren't doing the body massages at the table, but, I'm no fool.  Most people eat with their hands on the table.  At least one hand. My frozen margarita finally arrived. It was no longer frozen. Our waitress said, "here's your drink. It was sitting at the bar!"  Not only was it NOT frozen, it was dripping all down the side of the NON-chilled mug! So, we eat, drink and leave. Never going there again.
We get to the theater.  Yes, I just ate dinner but popcorn and cokes are a staple at the movies. So I spent the $21.00 for some popcorn and drinks...... ok, and chocolate.  There, you caught me. Sweet and salty, another staple.  Anyways, we get our seats, chow down on popcorn and start watching the previews when the screen goes black. Nothing.  No picture, no sound, no lights. Finally, the previews come back on and the movies starts.  Jeesh.
I will say, the movie totally made up for the previously bad experiences.  Tina Fey is hilarious and so is Steve Carrel. I could actually envision me and my husband doing this! I was pleasantly surprised with their chemistry  and was EXTREMELY thrilled that Mark Whalberg was in this movie.  Without a shirt!
Anyways, that was our date night. Just thought I'd share.  I give "Date Night," 4 beers (that's my rating scale) on a scale of 1-6pack.

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