Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've been a smoker since around 1987. What's that, 23 years? There's no telling how many cigarettes I've smoked over the years. So, here's yet another attempt to quit! I had my doctor call in a prescription for Chantix. I've had a few friends quit smoking while taking this. I've been reading all of the literature they pack in the box and I'll be honest with you..... I'm kind of scared to start taking this. The information pamphlet starts out by saying, "If you develop any of the following symptoms, please call your healthcare provider right away:" Here's the list:
thoughts about suicide or dying, or attempt to commit suicide, new or worse depression, anxiety or panic attacks, feeling very agitated or restless, acting aggressive, being angry or violent, abnormal thoughts or sensations,hallucinations, paranoia, feel people are against you and feeling confused. Oh, and lets not forget the ever so familiar, insomnia. Like I need that....

So, basically, I'm going to be awake 24/7, while thinking about killing myself, feeling depressed with panic attacks, being violent towards others while I'm having "abnormal" sensations. Sounds fun, huh? With all of those emotions, I'll NEED a cigarette. Especially after the abnormal thoughts!

This is going to be tough.... I can feel it already. So let me apologize now for being moody, bitch slapping you for no reason or having abnormal thoughts about you..... it'll pass. And hopefully I'll be a non-smoker when it does!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Follow up to the "Nutty Buddy"! Hillarious!

I knew there would be someone who would do this!!! Too funny!! What's he holding in his hand????

Chivalry is not dead.....

So, why do people cheat? I've been asking around lately to figure it out. Honestly, there are so many reasons, well, excuses actually. I'm just amazed that people are not taking marriage more seriously. It's become a thing of, who's wedding was bigger, or who had the best reception. It's not even about the couple anymore.

I've been told things like, "well, she pissed me off so I slept with someone else", or "our marriage sucks...they're not giving me what I need at home." Are these really excuses or does it all come down to a lack of self control? I've been in bad relationships that went on for years but I never cheated. I'm not going to say I have never cheated, but, I don't make it a practice and I never felt good about myself after the fact.

I talked to someone just the other day who said that their spouse never made them feel loved or appreciated. Literally hit them after a days work to get up and do things around the house. I'm sorry, but isn't that a sign that something is not right? Seriously, if I'm out working and I come home and rest, and someone put their hands on me and told me to do more work, I would have come unglued and been all over them like a spider monkey jacked up on Red Bull. But this person tolerated this, and still does, because of the child. Ya know, there has to be a line drawn somewhere. Kids are not blind. They may not tell you that they see that you are unhappy or maybe they're brainwashed into believing that this IS the way marriage is supposed to be. This is setting a bad example. Don't you want your children to see what a real marriage and real love is? Don't you want them to see that they don't have to settle for a loveless relationship? Everyone deserves to be loved. If you're with someone that you really don't love, then let them go. Let them experience love with someone who is willing to show them and willing to tell them the sun shines out of their ass!! (love that quote from "Juno")

People are selfish. They get comfortable in a relationship whether it's a good one or a bad one. Nobody wants to do the whole dating thing again. Nobody wants to pack up and move out and set up a new life. They would rather stay in a fucked up marriage, pretend there is nothing wrong and live like this forever. Nobody likes change.

Personally, I would rather pack up, move out and start a new life and hope to find someone who when I pull in the driveway from being gone five minutes to run to the store has that look in their eye like they've missed me like I was gone for a week. Or that would hold my hand watching a movie sitting on the couch. Chivalry is not dead. There are men on this planet who still believe in old fashioned love... true, honest, caring and devoted men. And women.

I've said enough.

Are we just looking in the wrong place? Are we just settling because we don't like change? Do we tolerate to keep peace for the kids? Who's right? Who's wrong? I just know that it pains me to see good people being hurt because the other person has no self control or just doesn't give a shit.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't be a TWIT!

Ok, I'm really over the whole twitter thing. Not that I was ever really into it. I just couldn't get into the whole tweet, retweet, blah, blah, blah bullshit. Plus, you only have so many characters per tweet....or is that a twit? I've been trying to follow along but, it's annoying!! I'd rather have my facebook so I can rant and rave and not run out of room! I really do enjoy reading Blake Shelton's tweets....twits... whatever. He's a funny guy! But seriously, I'm over it. The only thing I use twitter for is to advertise my blogspot! SO, follow me on my blogspot all you tweeters!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I can't cut it with a spoon.....

I took my son out to eat tonight kind of as a celebratory dinner. He got his first job since being in college. He will be designing a website for a book company. So we went to eat Chinese. I love how everything is basically in two-bite size. Even though crab rangoons can be eaten in two bites, I prefer to take one massive bite! They're my favorites! I was really shocked to see a piece of meat.... a steak, laying out in the open air on a little wooden cutting board with ONE steak knife lying next to it. I wasn't going to eat the steak, I was just looking at how dried out and lifeless it was. I wondered how many people had breathed on it, since it wasn't under the glass hood. It was just all alone.... on the piece of wood. Then it dawned on me.... there are no steak knifes...... how would one eat this "steak" even if they dared? So, just out of curiosity, I asked our waitress, who, for the first time in years, brought us our UNsweet tea! (We usually have to send it back at least once because they always bring us sweet tea. Nothing worse than taking a big gulp of tea, only to realize when it's halfway down your throat that it's loaded with sugar!!! Nasty!!) Anyway, her response to me was, "aww- u cut wit'spoon!" .....Interesting.......

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nutty Buddy....not to be confused with the Warrior Nut Hut

Who the hell thought this was necessary?? I mean, yes, I understand the need to have a cup. I played hockey so I get that. But an infomercial? Using zingers like, "take a 90 mile heater to the peter" and "taking cheese right to his crackers!" I really think this guy is enjoying having a "90 mile heater" hit him in his balls!! Is this really something guys do? Do you call each other on the phone and say, "yeah, Bob? Um, how bout we head out to the field and blast each others nuts with fast balls then head out to Hooters for wings?" To really get the humorous effect, you should watch this after a few beers!! I figured I'd post this since I'm sure guys were getting tired of looking at my neck toning gadgets and shake weight tutorials!! Enjoy!!

Facebook: The new "other woman"

Admit it.... you're addicted to facebook like everyone else! You love to log on to see if you have any new friend requests, new messages, a new "poke", a virtual hug, your daily horrorscope (spelled incorrectly on purpose), a beer sent to you from friends or someone wanting you to join a fan club.  You know that you add "friends" so when your real friends (the one's that know you on a personal level) go to your page and see you have over 500 "friends", they'll think you are the cat's ass!!!! I know, I do the same thing.  I was just on facebook and was looking at the stuff people were writing. Then I thought, "who the hell is that, and how did they get to be my friend?" I don't care that they just had TJ's big boy for lunch.  Why are you filling my page up with that crap! So, I go through the monthly ritual of deleting those friends.

I have come to the conclusion that Facebook is nothing but a virtual meatmarket. Yeah, you can catch up with your old friends and even talk daily to the friends you actually see everyday. Not that that's a bad thing.... I do that almost everyday. But I've had two friends already this week tell me, "that guy I went out with last week, you know, the hot one I met on FB, he was MARRIED and FAT!!" They would meet these guys by going to their "friends" pages and striking up "friendships" with these guys.  No, the picture of him with his wife wasn't on his profile, or the picture of his wedding band, in-laws, children, etc........ and you know why? Because he didn't want you to know!! FB is cheaper than eharomny or any of those other online dating sites. It's free! Like with every other thing in this world, you get what you pay for.

The majority of my "friends" on FB are real friends..... either from high school, current friends, people I know from our local hangouts.... you get the idea. I would not go looking for a man on there for two reasons; one, I'm married and two..... it's common sense that someone is going to put up a GOOD picture of themselves and not the uncut, unedited version. Unlike me, I put them all up! Who cares! We all need to be able to laugh at ourselves.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Forgive me father, I have sinned. Please expunge it from my record."

I was talking to an old friend tonight and somehow we got on the subject of men cheating. Yes men, I know, women cheat too, but this story isn't about a woman. So get over it.  This is about a man.... well, a male. Real men don't cheat. So, we were discussing how this "male" had an affair or two. Even though he was married....even though he had children. Well, now, since he was caught, he has "found God". Was he lost? Where was he all that time you were cheating? Behind the couch? I truly think finding God has given him the easy way out. It's making his conscience clear. Just like people in prison.  They know they did wrong, but somehow, finding God makes them believe that the people that were hurt by them and their actions, will forgive them more easily if they throw the God card in there.  This is just my personal opinion. Don't go all ape shit over it.  It's just me venting. Wrong is wrong.....whether God is in your life or not.  We are all taught from an early age right from wrong.  If you're married and want to cheat, get out of the marriage.  Why make it that more painful for the NON-CHEATING spouse?? "I cheated because I was unhappy. So unhappy that I didn't want to tell you I was unhappy. I just wanted to hurt you instead." Ummmm........ that's so chicken shit it's not even funny! So men...... AND WOMEN, be a real man or woman, and if you cheat, admit you're a shit head. Take whatever lickins you get because obviously you deserve it, and STOP saying you're a changed man, that you are a good, Christian man. Cause a TRUE, good Christian man, would have never done that to begin with.
Now, on another note..... I feel like I'm getting fatter by the minute and it's depressing the hell out of me. So, why, WHY am I writing this blog with a bag of Oreo's and a big glass of milk? Double stuf Oreo's at that! Grrrr.... time to get the shake weight back out. I don't want MY butt jiggling like J-E-L-L-O!!!!!
This is my first blog by text! I'm sitting in my truck at lunch and need something to do! It's raining and cold and I just want to be home in my comfy pants! Soon, I'll be working from home in my comfy pants! Yay!!!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Oscars: MY red carpet watch

I'm going to do my own "Red Carpet" people watch; from the point of view from someone who doesn't know the difference between Rania Salibi and the Target designers! You may not agree with me, but, that's the joy of living in America! We can agree to disagree!!
Ok, so here we go.......

Sandra Bullock- Looks like a silver Oscar.... what's up with the HOT PINK lipstick? I give it a 7 ( I love her though..... just not the outfit!)
Matt Damon- There's nothing bad I can say about what he's wearing. He could wear a suit made of duct tape and he'd make it sexy! a 10++++!!!
Jennifer Lopez- can you say, PROM? Lilac??? Big side bow? mmm.... no likey.... give it a 6
Sarah Jessica Parker- I like it! Different, but I like it! Her hair, not so much. I'll give her a 9.5
Cameron Diaz- give her a 10! She could never look bad...
Miley Cyrus- Cute dress..... that's the only thing I have nice to say. She'll receive an 8.
Jeff Bridges- Movie's over dude!! Shave the tri-colored beard already!
Gabourey Sidibe-(Precious) the dress, it's not precious at all! Looks like drapes! love the color but the cut..... nerrr.... give it a 6
Meryl Streep- She's just classy! She's a 10!
Neil Patrick Harris- WTH ?? He's so..... glittery! The Oscars have really changed......
Penelope Cruz- H-O-T! That dress is amazing!! a 10+++++

Monday, March 1, 2010

Who built the drive thu at Chick-fil-A? A man?

Ok, so I stopped at Chick-Fil-A for dinner and the line was at a stand still at the drive thru. Of course, only after I pulled in and two others pulled in behind me. You see, you can't drive around the cars if you want out. The drive thru is lined with shrubs and a steep embankment. So, you're screwed if you need to get out or just get tired of waiting. Well, I don't live far from Chick-Fil-A so, I didn't think I needed to go home first but mother nature waited until I got blocked in. Then, about 20 minutes later, I got to place my order. By this time, I was squirming in my seat, eyeballing my empty coffee mug. I'm serious, that's not a joke. For the men, well, I guess that's what the shrubs are for. Which leads me to believe a man designed the drive thru. So, just a word of advice...... go inside the restaurant! At least if you have to wait, and you have to GO, you can just, GO..... Yes, I did make it home. Coffee mug unharmed.