Friday, March 2, 2012

You Touch Your Own Feet????

Yes...... I touch my own feet. This was my response to the early 20 something blond that lives upstairs. The one I believe wears wooden clogs 24 HOURS A DAY!
I was out on my porch today, giving myself a pedicure and enjoying the almost 80 degree weather. I mean, spring will officially be here in 17 days, so, it's time to get the feet cleaned up and ready for sandals for the next 6 months.
 This is not just a one day fix. You have to soak and slough, soak and slough, moisturize, slough some more and THEN put on a fab-U (I know you hate that word Stephanie....sorry) coral shade! Yes, it will make your legs look very pasty at first but, go get some sun! Everyone knows I'm a toenail freak!! I can't stand to see nasty ass feet in expensive sandals. If you can afford $20 sandals then you can afford a pedicure. I prefer to do my own because I'm cheap. And I'd rather spend that $20 on a cardigan or some books. But I at least do them!
I was just putting on my top coat when Blondie says in a squeamish voice, "you touch your own feet?" Um, "yes, don't you?" "Oh girl, NOOOOO!! They have people who do that for you!" No shit, really? "Well, I like to do my own and save my money." She proudly responded, "My daddy gives me an allowance for my nails every month!" Well, isn't that swell. "Well, I haven't relied on my daddy to pay my bills since I was 18. So, I guess I'll continue to touch my own feet!"  She gave me that smile like she didn't know if I was being a smart-ass or not, flipped her blond locks over her shoulder and clickity-clacked up the stairs.
Piss me off! Spoiled rich kids. She and a roommate share the apartment above us. They are the NOISIEST people on the planet.  I swear it sounds like they are dropping bricks and doing River Dancing in wooden clogs from Holland!!!
Anyways, consider this your pre-spring, get your feet done, reminder! Nobody wants to look at dried up, old calloused feet with chipped paint still on from last August.
Slough, slough, slough ladies!!! You too, fellas! Nothing worse that seeing a dude in sandals with a big ass callous on the side of his toe!! Ewwwwwwwwww......