Wednesday, December 29, 2010

GOODBYE 2010!!!!

Well, 2010 is almost over...... and I am soooooooooooooo thankful to see it go.  This has been a roller coaster of a year.  Good times, bad times (a LOT more bad than good, I might add ), miserable times.  I'm ready to start 2011! My divorce will be final in another 30 days or so, I'll be going back to the office to work (my decision.... I'm bored and lonely), I'm going to get back into my writing and this year  one of my books will be completed and published! It's time to get serious, worry about ME and MY future and how I'm going to take care of ME...... instead of trying to make other people happy and giving up myself to do it.  I did that for way too long and it's time to stop. 
I've decided that 2011 is the "Year of Kerri!"  I'm going to do things FOR me, the way I want to do them, WHEN I want to do them. "Oh, I feel like taking off and going to Mexico for the weekend!...... buh-bye!" Or, "Ya know, I don't feel like going and watching a live band........  I'm going to stay home and drink wine and eat chocolate. Why? Because I can!" Yep, I feel less stressed just thinking about the New Year! I'm not going to feel guilty about going to Barnes and Noble every Friday night and hanging out with my fellow nerds, enjoying huge cups of coffee, reading magazines and researching.  THAT'S what I like so THAT'S what I'm going to do!!!! I think J and I will finally hit Sips and Strokes and do a LOT more vintage clothes shopping. 
I am very lucky to have a son who is caring, considerate and kind.  I plan on spending more time with him this year as well.  I miss my friends and plan on making more time for them, too.  Missy.... Jody..... we WILL be going to a Cubs game this year!! Maybe two!!! I WILL make it to Chicago this year!!! I also want to go back to Watertown, NY.... where I grew up. I miss it.  I can do ALL of these things now without worrying that I'm going to hurt someones feelings or piss someone off!
I spent the first 40 years of my life taking care of other people and putting what I wanted on the back burner.  Not anymore.  The next 40 are MINE!!!!
So, on that note, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


  1. Happy New Year Kerri!!!! I hope all your dreams come true, you deserve them. I'm kinda jealous of you. Have fun!!!!!!!

  2. Happy New Year, Michael!! Thanks!!
