Monday, December 27, 2010

Tim the Tool Man Taylor Would be Proud!!!!!!!

What an exciting day!!! My good friend J brought me my Christmas present today and it was AWWWEEESOOMMME!!!  Tools!!! My OWN tools!!! A screwdriver set, TWO tape measures and a very cool, Edward Scissor hands meets Swiss Army knife kinda thing!!! It's got a knife, screwdrivers, bottle opener, a nail file, pliers and some other cute little gadgets on it!! And, it has skulls on the handles!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
My home was recently "ransacked" (not really, I like to add a little drama to the obvious) and I was left without any tools.  Not even a hammer!! I did get one huge screw driver, which, if you turn it around, makes a fine hammer.
I was so excited, I took my fan apart and cleaned it!! I have become a "home-repair-person," per my friend Greg.  See, I had a little issue this evening that unfortunately, my tools could not repair.  My outlets in the bathroom stopped working.  Ummmmm, not cool at all!! I went outside and looked in the box and the fuse things looked normal.....  I mean, I wouldn't have known what I was even looking for to be quite honest.  But, with Greg's help, I tracked down the culprit to my son's outlet in his bathroom.  So, all is good and I can straighten my hair in front of the mirror now. It was an easy fix.... push a button... reset.... fixed.  But I feel like I just rewired the entire house blindfolded while sipping wine.  I feel like....well, probably what a man feels like when he fixes something minor like that! LIKE DA-MAN!!!! LOL!!!
I've never repaired anything like that, especially via text.  I feel so high tech now! And those GFI things.... should be called WTF's!!! Why would it just pop out and throw off every outlet?  Guess that's why I'm not an electrician.
So now, I'm prepared to fix anything!!!! Well, as long as it only requires being screwed, filed, opened or sawed (yes, it has a small saw on it!). Still, I feel like I've just became a woMAN!! Grrrrr......
I feel like I need to go walk around Lowe's now and stand in every isle, looking at shit I don't need and have no clue what it's for.  I feel like Tim Taylor from Home Improvement!!!
So, that was my exciting evening!! Now, I'm off to find something else that needs fixing!!!

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