Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's In Your Drawers???

How many of you have gone into someones bathroom and opened the drawers or the medicine cabinet?
OK, now answer this......WHY?   J and I have been trying to figure out the obsession people have with this.  I am guilty, too.  Not everyone......  just ones that I'm curious about. I just want to see if we have the same taste in toiletries. I just wonder what kind of toilet paper do they wipe THEIR asses with, or, does she really NOT have crows feet because she uses THAT face cream? I guess it truly is an invasion of privacy, but, who cares.  It's not like I'm stealing the Charmin or using the face cream.
I'm trying to think of the nastiest things I've ever seen in drawers or cabinets..... jock straps, jock itch powder, hemorrhoid SUPPOSITORIES (why not just get the cream?? Like the back door action better??? ), nipple BUTTER (??? WTF is that, anyways?), and of course, the normal BS we all keep.
Is this just as intrusive as rifling through someones dresser drawers? What is the fascination?  Why do we feel the need to run the tap water while quietly opening the cabinets just to see if they use Charmin or Cottonelle? God forbid they have one of the doors that you have to slam shut...... or that has a tricky way of closing.  Is this really worth losing the trust of a friend?
Anyways, this is just one of those things we thought of that makes you go.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
 So,  if you have nasties in your bathroom and you know I'm coming over, either hide that shit or just know that you WILL be reading about it someday.  Hope I didn't offend anyone.

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