Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"She's so pretty.... why can't she find a boyfriend?"

Ok, I am so sick of seeing that!
First off, what does being pretty have to do with finding a boyfriend? Yes, you're bound to attract nice looking men if you are pretty, but, so what? Just because the man's hot doesn't mean he's Prince Charming.  Look at some of the men that get arrested for domestic violence! Some of them are quite hot! I personally think Charlie Sheen is pretty handsome but, hey, he apparently likes to slap women. You never know what you are going to get under those good looks.  Same for the not-so-hot guys.  They could be a dog but be the nicest person on the planet.  It just goes to show how shallow people can be.  I would rather be with someone not-so-hot and be treated great than to be with some HOT douche bag who uses me as a punching bag!!
I just logged onto MSN.com, and the first thing I saw was an article about clichés or over used sayings. The writer also agrees that this is a pretty stupid thing to say.
I have read this several times recently about Jen Aniston.  "She's so pretty, why can't she find a boyfriend?" Well, maybe under all those good looks, she's a raging, frigin' loonatic! I'm by no means saying that she is ..... I'm just saying.  Who knows?? Who really cares why she can't get a boyfriend.  Trust me, my day will go on whether she's attached or single. People only thought her and Brad looked great together because they looked like they were molded out of cream cheese (stolen from a GREAT movie, by the way!)! See where that got her? So, if I was single, I wouldn't care if my man looked like he was molded out of Play-Doh by a 4 year old! As long as he was sweet, honest and sincere.
So, for all of you shallow asses out there, get a grip! Better yet, get a life!
I needed to vent.....

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