Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"National Hate on Everyone Day?"

I swear, everywhere I turn today, someone is hating.  It started on Face book and has ended with the National Enquirer at the grocery store.

First thing this morning while scrolling through my twitter page, people were hating on Tori Spelling because her new book came out today.  She was called home wrecker, horse face, anorexic and a slew of other names. Personally, I really enjoy her books and her show.  Yes, maybe she and Dean did get together before they were both divorced.... but, do we know what their "previous" marriages were like? I'm just saying..... people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Next, there was the "breaking news" that Al Gore left his wife because he's gay. OK, where do people come up with this stuff? And so what if he is gay?? Is this going to effect you in any way, shape or form? The man invented the internet...... cut him some slack!! hee>
Hey, if that's his story, let him roll with it.
Then, poor little Gary Coleman.  Let the man rest in peace already.  Now we're hearing stories that his "surprise" will has shown up and he specifically stated that he wanted to be kept alive for 15 days before pulling the plug.  Two things here.... one, it's too late for that now and two, where was this will? Why did it take over a week to surface? They can't plug it back in and say, "oh, we were a little premature on unplugging him.  Let's start over!" He's gone.... he had no money... he was a sick man.  Let it go......
Then, as I was scrolling through face book, Barnes and Noble (yes, I follow them!)  posted a little something about Tori Spellings new book.  The people were just being so nasty!! I couldn't believe it! I think they ended up removing the post.  I did, however, put in my two cents! They kept saying that she's not a writer, she's stupid, etc.....  yeah, she must be really stupid.  This is the THIRD best seller that SHE'S written, she has a TV show, a children's  clothing line, a jewelry line and now she's becoming an event coordinator.  She may not be the sexiest woman in the world, but she sure does work her ass off! That's why she's probably so skinny!
I just thought it was odd that everyone is hating on everyone today!!
I guess I'll follow suit and go be nasty to my husband now.

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