Thursday, February 2, 2012

Uh-Huh...Uh-Huh..Uh- Uh--What???

I work from home doing accounts receivable. I basically have to figure out why insurance claims didn't pay and well, get them to pay.
Today, I was calling one of my usual payers.  A state agency. I won't say which state because that wouldn't be very PEACHY of me.... know what I"m sayin'... . Anyway.... id numbers are usually 12 digits or so long, so me, being professional and aware that some major dumb asses work for these companies use the thee digit rule.  I give numbers in three's then I pause a nanosecond and then go to the next three digits. It's a good little system. So today, I'm talking to a rep and I go on to give the id number.. "1,2...", "UH-HUH!"  What the??? WHY are you interrupting me after only 2 digits? Why are you even SPEAKING??? TYPE the numbers in and don't say a WORD!!!! After her "UH-HUH" I had to ask her what number she got to. "Um, you said 1,2,2.... "NO! That's not what I said. Let me start from the beginning. 1,2..", "UH- HUH, UH-HUH".... What in the HELL????  STOP IT!!!! So I had to ask again what number she got to.  This chick was adamant that I said, 1,2,2.  I never even GOT to the third digit so I have no clue how she came up with that! She started to giggle and said, "I don't know why we're having such a time with this!! It's almost the weekend so we must be getting anxious!" Um, no douche bag! It's only noon on Thursday and I'm getting frustrated because you won't shut your cake hole long enough for me to spit out an id number so you can do your job and tell me why you didn't pay on this claim!!! THAT'S what it making me anxious.  After the third round of the "UH-HUH" game, I just rattled it all off.... 12 digits... one right after the other. Not giving her a chance to slip in the UH-HUH! "Miss Kerri you're like a speed reader!"  Really? No, it's called I have productivity to meet and you're screwing it up for the day. I cannot deal with that shit. Or the one's that snap their gum in your ear, cough in your ear, mute you while they're talking to their neighbor, put you on hold while "they look into it" and accidentally get disconnected (I love having to call back and they are the one to answer again!! That's my ticket to be obnoxious with them!) or give you some fake ass excuse because they have no clue what their doing. 
That shit was just pissing me off today so I thought I share it.
Oh, on a happier note, HAPPY NATIONAL TATER TOT DAY!!!!!! I love tater tots!!! Nom-a-nom-a-nom!!!!!!!

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