Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hello...... Is There Anybody in There????

Obviously from the date of my last post, I haven't bitched in a while.  I've been too busy. Working, unpacking, sleeping.... you know, getting my priorities in order. Or have I?
Let's see, I still don't have one picture on the wall, some of my clothes are still in boxes and I've yet to locate all of my dvd's.  What in the hell have I been doing for the last month???  Oh well.... it'll all be there over the weekend.
Also, if you haven't noticed, I haven't been on Facebook NEARLY as much! I'm getting so bored with the same old shit..... "my back is still hurting," " at Fat Charlie's," "is there anyone on here that can diagnose my car engine?? It's making a hiss, hiss, cough noise..?" I'll admit, I'm as guilty as the next guy for those comments, but, shit!!! I'm over it!!!! I want to start 2012 out in a positive, relaxed state!!! I'm over listening to everyone shit problems!! I'd say I have my own, but I really don't.  I'm happy, content, getting fat...... you know how it is when you move in with a guy.  It's love weight.... and I HATE IT!!!! Love D but man, his appetite is ABSURD!!!!!! Yet, he's still thin......   grrrrrrr..... 
Now, with all that being said, I still like to bitch about the things that REALLY piss me off..... such as:
The Duggars..... yes, it's extremely sad that they lost their daughter prematurely.  I think she was due in April.  Now, I can see having a nice, PERSONAL memorial for her.  NOT a memorial where a picture of  the fetus is given to all attendees.....  ARE YOU PEOPLE SMOKING THE BIBLE????? Who does that??? It was plastered all over Twitter today!!! The hand wasn't even as big as a fingernail!! I couldn't look.....  I just couldn't believe it. I'm so sorry for their loss.... I truly am.  But, maybe it's time to start looking into birth control. My one question is this.... with 19 kids and 2 grandchildren, where do they even find the time to have sex?? I work a ten hour day, don't have any children at home and can barely get the coffee ready for the next day without falling asleep..... by 8PM!!!! Sheesh!!
Oh, and what's this I hear??? Howard Stern is going to be a judge on "America's Got Talent?" Are you serious??  Ummm, I've seen some of the talent that he ooooogled on his show, and I'm pretty sure that NBC is NOT going to let a floozy, big floppy titted chick bend over a chair and let midgets whip her on the ass with a dead, three foot long salmon.  Is he REALLY an ideal candidate??? And, if I'm not mistaken, didn't NBC FIRE him for his wonderful mouth back in the 80's???  Reality tv is really hitting the skids.......  I guess that's why I just don't watch tv that much anymore.....   nothing but garbage!!!
Well kids, time to get out of the bubbletub and go canoodle with my D!!!
If I don't post again before Christmas, I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas and gets lots of goodies from Santa. Or, if you're an asshole, I hope you get NOTHING!!!! You know who you are!!
Peace out!~

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