Saturday, January 29, 2011

Break is Over...... Time to Bitch Again!

Just happened to notice that I haven't bitched...,. I mean, blogged, in a few weeks.  Why you ask? I have no idea. Kind of been in a funk. Or I could still be in shock after receiving my out-frigin-rageous electric bill!!! Crap, don't get me started on that again!!
Let's see, what have I been doing....... well, I redid my living room and now it's a comfy, cozy, lay in the recliner, junk food eating, Jersey Shore watching womb.  It's my happy place. Which, unfortunately, is not helping the muffin top issue that has crept up again. See, I quit hula-hooping and look what happened.  I was even going to the gym 3 nights a week but since we got all that snow, I refuse to leave the house for anything other than the necessities..... wine, smokes, coffee.... you see where I'm going with that. I'm going to Florida for a few days next week and when I get back, it's back to the gym to widdle the muffin.
I'm in the process of outlining my new book. I've gotten some of it written and working on a proposal as we speak. SOMEONE PLEASE HIRE MY ASS TO WRITE!!!!!!!!  Who wouldn't want a witty, smart-mouthed, tell-it-like-it-is writer representing their company?? I've seen some crappy books out there lately and figured the authors must have self published or blew the publisher because I now use those books pages as coasters, tissues, fire starters and whatever else they may be good for. Certainly not good for reading.
So, anyways, I'm back and I'm on a mission! Watch out New York Times Best Sellers List!!!! 

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