Monday, February 21, 2011

Holy Shit..... Where to Begin

I've been in a funk over the last few weeks and I'm really starting to irritate the shit out of myself. Is it the weather? Is it the anticipation of receiving my divorce papers? Is it the unknown of where my life is headed to now? I don't know.... and even a bottle of Little Penguin Merlot is not helping me out.I can't concentrate on any one thing for more than a nano-second, it seems. I've also fallen into this selfish mode.  I think about me and me only and let me tell ya, that is NOT cool.  When people you love say, "Um, what the eff? Did you forget I'm here?", that's a sign that your head  is apparently up your ass.  I have always tried to make people know that I care about them and want them around. Lately, I just push people out the door. Literally.
Not only that, I'm getting pissed over the crap going on in the world.
Take for instance, my neighbor. A 16 year old kid....  conspired with two friends at school to kill his parents.  WHAT???? So, last week, the two other boys showed up at his house and shot him instead?? WTF? Craziness.  Now I'm afraid to sit in the Bitch Cave and enjoy a nightcap. Great.....  Losers. Jody, I'm getting a gun.... soon.....
I have nothing nice to say about anything right now. I have friends that seem to think that my life is just as normal as it ever was, not thinking I may be dealing with a lot of stress due to the impending dissolution of my marriage. No, don't ask if I'm ok..... don't worry that I'm sitting here stressed,  pulling my hair out, feeling like a failure.... nah.... let's turn it into why I'm not my same old self and how it is a shock that I am not the ME you knew 6 months ago. Shit... Really??? If you were my friend, then, I guess you should understand that I'm not really myself right now. And just fucking leave it at that. Or hell, just pop in one day and take a look for yourself! I'm in the nurturing Kerri mode right now.... I'm not into making sure other people are feeling all warm and fuzzy. (Read paragraph two again) Oh,I forgot your birthday? Well excuse the piss outta' me. I was kind of busy.... drowning in a bottle of Merlot!!!! 
See, nothing nice is going to come out of this blog. I should end it right here, but shit, I'm on a roll.
Here's another tidbit of info..... if you have "Baby Mama Drama" issues, PLEASE, PLEASE.... DON'T POST THAT SHIT ON FACE BOOK.  Are you ignorant? First off, we know that baby mama drama stems from the Mama not likin' the Daddy being happy or having a life.  So, take the drama to Judge Whapner if it's that frigin important. Nobody needs to know that you're a jack-ass!! Oh, and for you hypocrites, writing nasties on Face book about someone and then telling that said someone later on that you're sorry and you're going to go pray on it......  go eat shit please.  You are a crazy person and EVERYONE knows it. Prayers, lying about your education, exorcisms'......  we know you people are nuts.... you really don't need to put it out there for the world to see.  You're only humiliating yourself.  
OK, well, this is why I haven't been blogging,..... not too many nice things to say.
Well, hope y'all enjoy the video.  

1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah!!!!! Sheeeees baaaaaaack!!!!!! It's Facebook not ur fucking diary you dick. ALOT of people should read this one!!!!!!!!!!
