Thursday, October 14, 2010

Me... turning into a marshmallow?

According to my good friend, we'll call her "J", I've become a "softy".... losing my edge.... my razor sharp tongue has been filed down to the refined shape of a classy, southern belle do-good er.(I made that up... she didn't say that exactly... she used cuss words!). Really?? Nahhhhhhh......
J seems to think that my watching Dancing with the Stars and 20+ solid hours of watching the Chilean miners be rescued has ruined my love of cussing, ranting and bitching!
Has watching Dancing with the Stars turned me into my total opposite? Does what we watch on tv really show who we are? I don't think so.  I don't want to run out and by a sexy dress and run around doing the Argentine Tango. I think I'd be as graceful as David Hasselhoff and as clumsy as Margaret Cho!!! Not cool!! I just find it humorous!  These "stars" (Bristol Palin.... why are we calling her a star exactly???) go out there, some with NO dancing experience and try to be sexy and suave......  HA!!! Trust me, I did NOT find the Hoff sexy!! Funny, yes, sexy, HELL NO!!!!  I even screamed, "you fucking suck, HOFF," when he danced!!! I love comedy and this is the funniest thing next to stand-up, if you ask me.
As far as my sarcastic, cuss loving mouth...... it's still here!!! Hey, I even ranted about one of the Chilean miners yesterday before he was pulled to safety.  I had heard that his wife and mistress both were waiting for him. I just assumed he was a piece of shit like every other cheating husband. But, I had to retract that because after further investigation (I watched CNN for like 20 hours.... shut up J! ) it turns out that he and his wife of 28 years have been separated and he's had this mistress for 10 years....... kind of took the man-whore theory away from my rant.  Oh well.  I'm just trying to prove a point. 
There just hasn't really been anything worth going off about lately.  Yeah, yeah, Lindsay Lohan is at The Betty Ford Clinic..... so what. She should have been there for the last 5 years.  I'm tired of blogging/bashing these stupid little rich and famous people.  And this Snooki character..... who the fuck is she and why are we so interested in her stupid, asinine behavior?  She's a dip shit.  Like the judge who just sentenced her for disturbing the peace said, "she's a Lindsay Lohan wanna be." Miley Cyrus? Lindsay? Snooki?  Role models for our youth???  These are the people we should be warning our kids to stay away from.  I mean, how many mothers went out there and bought their daughter a "bump-itz" for their hair so they could look like Snooki (I do like saying that word.... Snooki! LOL)? Really? You think that's a good look?  Personally, I think she looks like a little  sausage stuck inside a baby sock.  She's mouthy, rude, loud..... (kind of like me, but different. I have a little class....) Grrrrr.......  She gives us Northern girls a bad reputation.  We're not all like her.  You don't have to be rude ALL the time.  Only when necessary. OK, enough about that....
Also, I've now become addicted to Twitter.  I follow mostly funny people with the same sense of humor that I have.  I follow, "Shit my dad says" and let me tell ya, that dude is hilarious!! Here's one of his Tweets: "Don't focus on the one guy who hates you. You don't go to the park and set your picnic down next to the only pile of dog shit!" Love that!!!
So, anyways, I'm still here.  Still foul mouthed. Still bitchin.  Still hatin. 
Oh, and thanks for my coffee and good conversation (bitchin'), J! And, I am forcing myself to watch Chelsea Handler tonight.  This should be interesting.

HA!!! Spell check can't find LOL but it corrected the word:: dogshit!! Apparently, I left out the space! Priceless!!

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