Monday, December 10, 2012

HO! HO! HOPE I get an Aisle Seat

I'm sitting here in the bubble tub trying to check-in for my flight tomorrow (Southwest means 24 hours prior to take off. You cannot check in one minute before. Jeesh!) so I can be in the early A group. My flight leaves at 6:10. I like to be near the front, but not too close to the door. I hate being in the back near the bathroom. Nasty. It's 6:09. Says I have to wait until 6:10. 6:10!! I'm in!! I'm in the A boarding group!! WTF??? A-52??? 52??? I KNOW that I had to be the first person to check in!! That's almost the end of the first group!!! I'll never get up front!!! Dammit!!!

I'm headed to Florida to take care of my Ma'! She found out the day before Thanksgiving that she has to have surgery on her spine. They are replacing the discs in her neck. They are basically just stacked on top of each other causing severe pain. She had the first surgery today (which went well, I'm told), which they went through the front of her throat to replace some discs and Wednesday, they'll do the second surgery where they go through the back. I will be there for that surgery and will play Nurse Good body for a few days after she leaves the hospital.I'm hoping they give her some REALLY good drugs! I will administer the drugs then proceed to video her telling me that I'M her favorite and then send that video to my sisters. Just in time for them to get pissed and of course, I'll be on my flight home! I wonder if I'll be able to get that pony I always wanted...??!!!

I haven't even gotten my shopping finished! I just got back from finishing it for my family in Florida. Hey, I'll let Southwest transport my gifts instead of mailing them. I'll be saving a butt load of money that way! I'll have to finish when I get back. ON DECEMBER 21st! Uggggghhhh.  Why do I always wait?? Missy, I'll be sending your package and hopefully you'll get it for Christmas! No guarantees! I walked out of the house today and forgot to take it with me. It may come to you via Florida's mail system.

I normally spend the two weeks prior to Christmas watching A Christmas Story, Elf, and of course, my ALL TIME FAVORITE, Christmas Vacation!!! Cousin Eddie ALWAYS makes the Holidays better. But here's the thing.  My dad is addicted to Lifetime Movie Network, so, I'm sure I won't be watching them. AND....  AND..... I cannot seem to find Christmas Vacation on DVD anywhere! Only on blue ray and I don't have a blue ray DVD player.Guess I'll be watching it on my laptop if YouTube has it in it's entirety. Bummer.

Unfortunately (tee hee!) I will miss the work Christmas Dinner and Secret Santa gifts. Darn  it all.  I don't normally do the "secret Santa" crap at work anyways. I've been working from home for three years and have not participated. I refuse to have to take 2 hours off of my time to drive to/from the office to deliver a $5 gift, chit chat with people I don't care to chat with and get my secret Santa gift (usually something from the Dollar Tree). This is my thing, MAIL me my gift card for my free ham! I'll see you at my quarterly review! In March!!

On that note, I'm all checked in for my flight, my water is getting cold and my deep pore cleansing mask is melting like butter on a hot, GA sidewalk (now it's probably settled into the pores). So off I go to finish my packing and hopefully catching something Christmas'y on TV.

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