Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reality TV..... Really?

I've been watching a lot of reality tv lately for some reason. I guess insomnia is creeping in again and it's leaving me up at 3am channel surfing. I knew there was a lot of reality shows on but really? You've got cupcake shows, cake making shows, people trying to be a chef show, Pawn Shop shows, motorcycle making shows, tattoo shows, driving 18 wheelers on ice shows, swamp fishing shows, people who hoard way to much shit shows, people with 18 damn kids shows, stars trying to dance, stars trying to run businesses, stars airing their dirty laundry on their own reality show but demand privacy shows....... Holy crap, they're never ending!! And WE WATCH THEM!!!! I'll admit, I'm addicted to Dancing with the Stars and Keeping up with the Kardashian's. I knew LONG before Kim and Kris got married that it wouldn't last. He's so immature and she's so self-absorbed. I mean, who wears $200,000 diamond earrings into the ocean and then gets pissed when one is lost? What a silly ass. Though, I do think she is very pretty and she does work hard. I'll give her credit for that. But some of these other shows.... Hoarders?? Gross!! I wouldn't want my face on national tv while someone is going through MY fridge trying to get me to throw out a 5 year old wheel of cheese that has grown a fur coat, while I am weeping because I can't bear the thought of throwing it out..WHAT???The cupcake shows and the cake decorating shows? Why do we watch this? I mean, they're decorating frigin cakes people! Shouldn't we be watching CNN or FOX news, keeping abreast on how the President is going to screw us next? I bet more people than not know who Gordon Ramsey is but have no clue as to who Joe Biden is (our Vice President, and don't act like you knew that!)
What has become of cable tv? Growing up, you had Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Dallas, Knots Landing, The Michael Douglas Show, Golden Girls, Tic Tac Dough, The Price is Right and a few others. That's it. No Beavis and Butthead (I love them, though. Don't hate me!), no Teen Mom's, no Jersey Shore.... and ya know what?? We made it!! We survived without reality tv!! Whew!!
I was just reading an article about KK getting a divorce and felt compelled to voice my opinion. As far as I know, that right hasn't been taken away yet. I just wonder why she was paid $2 million dollars to have her wedding aired and I almost bet that Prince William wasn't paid a cent!! If he was, he probably donated it to a worthy charity, since he's very humble like that. The Kardashians totally makes themselves out to be nothing but money hungry fools, except for Khloe, Kourtney and Rob. I feel sorry for Bruce Jenner, but, after being in that family for 20 years, he's screwed and whipped, so, I guess he should have RAN a long time ago!! Get it, Bruce Jenner.... Ran??? Ok, I'm exhausted from all of this packing and starting to just be silly. My rant is over. Now off to watch some Dancing with the Stars!!

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