Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What? Me? Mean? Never!!!!!!

I think I'm going through a serious case of " you are annoying the shit out of me, I hate my life, why are you wearing THAT, who fucking cares, kiss my ass, please stop talking, face book is getting ridiculous, I want to stay drunk all day, why can't I find a lit agent, your ass can't sing" kind of funk.

Seriously, I rarely get on Face book anymore. I was becoming one of those people that I hate.  Post your every movement of everyday, get all philosophical over your hum-drum boring ass life...... NEXT! Twitter... now there's where I'm at.

What is wrong with me? I just want to sleep. I have no desire to do anything that I used to like. Except to go to Savannah, GA.  Seems it's the only place I like these days.  I have been ignoring texts, emails and phone calls from people I used to talk to everyday.  Not because of them so much...... it's just me.  I don't feel like exerting myself to answer the phone, text, what have you. So there ya go folks, please don't ask me WHY next time you do see/talk to me. I don't want to have to explain it again. It could be embarrassing..... for you.

Is it because of the change of weather? Is that fucking with my body chemistry and turning me into this hormonal rabid bitch that I've become?  I love summer and as far as I'm concerned, it's totally gone.  I've had to wear a hoodie and slippers for the last several mornings. Yes J, we KNOW how much YOU enjoy this! I don't.  Either give me 90 and sunny with sand and the ocean or 30 and cold with some lake effect snow so i can scoot my ass down the driveway in the laundry basket and sip hot chocolate.  This in between shit is for the birds. Yeah, yeah, football my ass. A bunch of dudes running around in tight pants chasing a ball and slapping each other on the ass. To me, football season just makes it easier for the already lazy people to come up with an excuse to sit in the la-z-boy, scratch their junk, eat bad foods and scream like the cast of Jersey Shore girls.  NEXT!

So, where do I go from here?  Move to an island until about May? Probably not gonna happen.  No.... I'll have to stay here, deal with stupid ass people, watch dumb shit on TV for the next 6 months, read peoples boring life stories on FB and try to control this razor sharp, cuss word loving tongue of mine.  Oh, and one more thing that has totally been driving the ever loving shit out of me-------- if you are sick, running a fever, have hemorrhoids, sore throat, kidney stones, gall stones,  pink eye, stink eye, dyslexia, perplex'ia, athletes foot, jock itch, ringworm, add, adhd, tmi, tmj, carpal tunnel, dandruff, blue balls, vaginitis, sinusitis, chicken pox or any other issues, please..... PLEEEEASE.......  TELL YOUR DOCTOR AND NOT THE WORLD!!! WE DON'T GIVE A RATS ASS YOU HYPOCHONDRIAC'S!!!! Take two frigin Aleve, some Nyquil, a shot of Jack and SHUT THE EFF UP ALREADY!!!!!! I'm sorry.... but if I can go to work one week after a major surgery, I'm almost positive you can get through an 8 hour day with a sore throat or ear infection.  Deal with it!!! OMG, I almost said the P word!! Whoa.....  I'm apparently very irritated and angry!!

Well, don't I feel a little better..!!??!! Yes! I do.....

So, if I've offended you in any way, I would normally say I'm sorry. Not gonna happen today.  If you are one of THOSE people listed above, well, I don't know what to say... other than, YOU IDIOT!!!

Oh, and one more thing.... if you wear puprle lip stick, outlined in purple lip liner.... don't cry..... you should expect to be laughed at!!! Hey, 1985 called and they want you back!!!

This just reminded me of Jody and what she'll be like in 50 years!!! LOL

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