Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hi.... my name is............... and I'm an ALCOHOLIC....

Do you know what it's like to actually hear someone call themselves an alcoholic? It leaves you speechless. Well, it did me, anyways.  You all of a sudden become conscious of the words, beer, alcohol, drink......  and I notice I even catch myself trying to NOT use words like, choco-aholic or shop-aholic.
I've recently had the pleasure of watching someone admit they have a problem and take charge of their life and go to a detox facility. I say pleasure, because even though it was probably the hardest thing they've ever done in their life, I watched that person make the decision to live. It was bittersweet.  It hurt knowing what they were going to endure there, but it was such a great, happy feeling knowing that this person would be around for many years to come!
I'm trying to respect that person by not saying the words alcohol, beer, etc....  But am I really helping them?  Won't they have to eventually confront ALCOHOL in some way, shape or form? Whether it be at the grocery store, in a restaurant, a friends house?  I'm personally trying to NOT put this person in a glass house, but it's very hard. You want to protect them but when actually, they are the only one's that can protect themselves. Who's to say that watching someone else drink would make them weak and feel like they needed a drink? This is something they'll have to figure out on their own. There is nothing I, or anyone else can do, to shut off the world around them. It sucks, but I guess that's part of recovery. Finding the triggers.

My friend has not had a drink in thirteen days. They are filling their time with things that they didn't normally do. I am in total awe of this person.  They have really turned their life around. Yes, it's only been thirteen days. One day at a time. This person is going through one on one counseling, instead of the ever so popular AA.  I was kind of sceptical at first about not going to AA.  Isn't this how everyone goes through recovery? Well, I'm sure not everyone, but, a good majority of the people. AA may be the best thing for some, I'm not knocking that organization at all.  I'm just saying, this person has come a long ways in almost two weeks with the help of counselors and by reading the book, "The Secret."  I've also been reading the book and I can totally see why it's aiding them in their recovery.  It basically states the obvious about everything. Things we don't necessarily think about everyday. "Thoughts become things."  "Like attracts like."  It really makes you stop and look at how what we do or say brings that exact same thing into our lives. If you think nothing but negative thoughts, only negative will come into your life. I guess it's like that old saying, "you are what you eat."  If you eat nothing but junk food, well, you know you will not be healthy.  It's a really good book for all of you negative thinkers!!!
I've started going to Al-Anon meetings. I guess I wanted to go so I could be around other people who know recovering alcoholics and just see how other people are handling it. Yesterday, the topic at the meeting was not focusing on the problem, but focusing on the solution. The problem WAS alcohol. Now it's time to get on to the solution. Again, it's going to be a long road, but I have total faith in this person and I see that they TRULY want this. They are such an inspiration to me!! I cannot even express in words how proud of them I am! I'm so happy, I just want to eat cake! :-)

To my best friend- You are an amazing person! I am so, SO proud of you and I love you with all of my heart and soul!! Now get me some cake! LOL!

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