Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Respect ALL Branch of the Military!!!

I actually wrote this Monday, but, I waited to post it...... I was VERY pissed! Still am.......

People amaze me!

Yesterday, Osama Bin Laden was shot and killed by  Seal Team 6. ST6 is a  Tier-One counter-terrorism force similar to the Army's elusive Delta group. Folks, this is HUGE!! No, it's not the end of terrorism but it has removed one of the most evil men on this planet and  maybe it has  given people who lost loved ones on 9/11, hopefully a little bit of closure.  So WHY??? WHY are we criticizing WHO made the kill? I'm stunned. I actually had a "friend" on face book who posted on face book this morning, and I quote, " yah!! OBL is dead! Thank God it wasn't the Marines that took him out! Go SEALS!" Ok, first off, ARE YOU F'ING SERIOUS??? Why would you bash ANY branch of the military? They ALL play a part in protecting us EVERY-SINGLE-DAY!!! They ALL put their lives on the line for our freedom!! HOW DARE YOU??? My nephew served in the Marine's and did two tours in Iraq! I have friends whose husbands or kids are over there fighting! Would you walk up to them and laugh in their face because they are a Marine? Or an infantryman in the ARMY? YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN SERVED IN THE MILITARY!!! OMG, this has pissed me off to no end. You are a piece of shit!! If you feel it necessary to bash any member of the military, I dare you to do it to their face! You are a musician! How does this compare? Please, do tell????

Sorry, but that really pissed me off and I had to vent! I have Uncles that were in the MARINES and were in Vietnam, my son's father was in the ARMY and served in Desert Storm, my nephew was a MARINE  and served two tours in Iraq, my son has friends who are in the ARMY and MARINES serving in Iraq! How dare anybody say hateful things about people that risk their lives for ALL OF US!! Shame on you!!!

I, for one, am thankful for ALL of the service men and women  who serve our country, TO PROTECT US!!!

No, I am not an Obama fan. But I do not believe that today is the day to criticize him. Yes, he will be remembered for this FOR SURE! And????????

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